Children’s Neurology Services provides private paediatric EEG services in Melbourne.

Referrals are welcome from GPs, Paediatricians and Neurologists.

Electroencephalogram (EEG)

An electroencephalogram (EEG) is a safe and pain-free test that records the electrical activity of the brain. The information is recorded on a computer and interpreted by a paediatric neurologist (a doctor specialising in disorders of the brain).

Why does my child need an EEG?

Your child’s doctor may request an EEG to find out what’s going on in the brain if your child has abnormal movements, seizures or sleep problems.

What to expect with an EEG?

An EEG is not harmful. There are no X-rays or injections and there is no risk of electric shock. The electrodes just record brain activity. Some children may fear that the machine can read their thoughts or dreams, it is important to reassure your child that this does not occur.
During setup, your child will not feel anything other than their scalp and hair being touched, and the procedure will not hurt at all. There are no side effects from an EEG.

Types of EEGs performed

  • Awake EEG (approx 60 minutes)

  • Sleep EEG (approx 90 minutes)

  • Ambulatory 24hr EEG (overnight, at home)

  • Home Video EEG Monitoring (At home, 2 or 3 nights)


Preparing for the EEG
  • Wash your child’s hair the night before the EEG. They need to have clean, dry hair with no products applied (e.g.  oil, mousse or gel). Please make a new appointment if your child has lice as the test cannot go ahead.

  • If your child has recently had chicken pox, they must be completely better in order for the EEG to occur.
    Ideally, your child will need to be fairly still during the recording. The EEG technologist is experienced in helping children of all ages to relax, and distractions such as toys and DVDs are encouraged. Younger children may benefit from dummies, bottles and other comforters, so remember to bring these to the appointment.

  • If your child has special needs or you think they may not be able to cooperate with the procedure, please contact the EEG staff to discuss your concerns and the best course of action.

  • If your child is prescribed an emergency rescue medication for seizure management (like Midazolam), then please carry it with you to the EEG appointment if possible.

Before the EEG
  • If your child has seizures during specific situations (e.g. during sleep) please speak to your doctor or the clinic staff about the implications for the EEG recording.

  • It may be possible to provoke a seizure and record an EEG during the seizure episode, which is beneficial as this is when the most useful information can be found.

  • Before testing, the EEG technologist will ask a few questions about your child even though you may have already given this information to your doctor.

During the EEG

The EEG procedure will be performed in accordance to standard paediatric guidelines as followed by the major paediatric Centres like The Royal Children’s Hospital Melbourne.
You are welcome to stay in the recording room during the EEG if you wish. Babies and young children can be held in their parents’ lap during the test. It is important to arrange for another adult to look after any other children while the recording is being done as they cannot stay in the room.

  • Your child will either sit in a chair or be held by you.

  • After explaining the procedure, the technologist will measure your child’s head and work out where electrodes (small metal discs) will be placed.

  • The technologist will clean these areas lightly before placing the electrodes (about 20 of them) on the scalp. The electrodes will be kept in place with a sticky paste and some light tape. The paste is easy to wash out of the hair after the test is completed.

  • After the electrodes have been placed, your child needs to remain reasonably still while the technologist sits at a computer, watching the screen.

  • Children old enough to cooperate will be asked to open and close their eyes during the recording. Later they will be asked to hyperventilate (do some deep breathing). The last part of the EEG test involves your child looking at a controlled flashing light. These try to stimulate the brain and bring on a seizure like activity in the brain.

A video is recorded in case a seizure episode occurs. This gives the neurologist an accurate visual record along with the EEG recording. If no events are recorded, the video is deleted.

EEGs during sleep

Sometimes doctors will request that an EEG is performed while a child is asleep.

  • If your child is young and still having morning or afternoon naps, skip the nap before the EEG.

  • If your child is older, you will be given instructions to follow when you make the appointment.

Please do not let your child sleep on the way to your EEG appointment. Sedation (sleep medications) is not used to help your child get to sleep for an EEG.

Ambulatory/Home Video

An Ambulatory EEG is one where patients get the EEG electrodes placed on their heads by the technologist and after a few checks, they are sent home. The EEG is recorded at home, often overnight, to record sleep and any nocturnal events. There is no video with an ambulatory set up. The patient comes back to clinic the next day to get the electrodes removed.
A home video EEG monitoring (HVEM) is similar to an ambulatory EEG, but with additional video to record the typical events or seizures while at home. HVEM records for longer periods, typically over 2 or 3 nights at home. The EEG technologist will send you home with instructions for care and also a seizure diary to mark the events.

How long will the EEG take?

A routine EEG usually takes about an hour, but sometimes it may take longer, especially if a sleep recording is needed.
An ambulatory EEG is recorded at home over 24 hours.
A HVEM is recorded at home over 48 to 72 hours.

Are there any risks associated with EEGs?

EEGs are very safe. The electrodes record activity – they don’t stimulate the nerves or send any electricity into the brain, so there is no risk of getting an electric shock. EEGs don’t involve X-rays or pain. If stimulated, an EEG can cause a seizure in a child who has a seizure disorder, but the experienced staff know what to do in these circumstances. Talk to your doctor about any risks associated with EEGs and any concerns you have.

When will I receive the results?

The EEG technologist cannot tell you the results, and administration staff will not provide results over the telephone. You must make arrangements with your doctor to receive the results.
The average turn-around time for formal reports is:

  • Routine EEG: 3-5 business days

  • Ambulatory or HVEM: 2-4 weeks

In urgent situations, or if an abnormality is seen on the EEG, the reporting neurologist will contact the referring doctor as soon as the EEG is done to give a verbal report.

Is there a fee for my child to have an EEG?

Out-of-pocket charges will apply as this is a private service.
For further details please speak to one of our friendly reception staff.

The patient instructions are adapted from the parent information sheet as per RCH Melbourne.

Our Team

Dr Trupti Jadhav

Paediatric Neurologist & Epileptologist

Toni Lay

Neurophysiology Scientist

Ms Sarah Down

Neurophysiology Scientist

Ms Trisha Peesari

Neurophysiology Scientist

Ms Ashwini Chandra

Neurophysiology Scientist


For referring doctors

Please send your referral requests to:
Email: [email protected]
Fax: 03 91258910

Find the pdf referral form here

The online form can be filled here

Find us at

614 Glenferrie Rd, Hawthorn Vic 3122

1800 543 737